Blog / 2014 / Testing for Trouble and Confronting Mortality

September 10, 2014

While I can’t say I’m grateful to my endometriosis for all the lessons it has taught me, I can acknowledge that this incurable disease has helped me to be a more thoughtful and resilient person. Most recently, I had an important insight in the weeks leading up to test.

Endometriosis affects millions of women. It often causes infertility along with debilitating chronic pain. The two most important things that everyone needs to know about endometriosis are these:

  1. Early diagnosis is key to treatment.
  2. The major symptoms are pain with a woman’s monthly cycle and pain during sex. These symptoms can be caused by other diseases, but they are never normal. If a doctor who tells you they are, find a new doctor.

  3. If a person reveals that she has endometriosis, be gentle and listen to her.
  4. It isn’t easy living with chronic pain, and one of the more difficult aspects of this disease is feeling like no one understands or cares about what you’re going through.

For more information about treatments I’ve used to treat my endo, check out these articles:

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