Blog / 2020 / A Most Artistic Baby Name Book
July 11, 2020

My new animal alphabet book Baby Sees ABCs is also a baby name book, and it is probably the most colorfully presented list of 676 you will ever come across, because each of the 26 illustrations has 26 names painted directly into the artwork!
These are all of the names, along with a link to the image that they are embedded in:
A Is for Angelfish: Aaron, Abigail, Abracadabra, Achaean, Ada, Adam, Adrienne, Ahmed, Alana, Aleesha, Alder, Allison, Amaïa, Amber, Amelia, Amy, Amzi, Andrea, Anika, Anna, Annie, Annika, Aparna, Art, Ashton, Aubrey
B Is for Bunny Rabbit: Baden, Barbara, Becca, Beckett, Bella, Ben, Bentrice, Bertram, Beth, Bharti, Blanca, Blaze, Blue, Bodhi, Bong-Cha, Botham, Breizh, Brett, Bridget, Bridgette, Brie, Brittney, Brooke, Bruce, Bryan, Buffy
C Is for Civet: Caitlin, Caleb, Calvin, Camila, Caroline, Casey, Cathy, Chao, Charlie, Charlotte, Chelsea, Cheryl, Cheyenne, Chie, Chloe, Christine, Christopher, Claire, Claude, Colin, Connor, Cora, Cory, Courtney, Craig, Crystal
D Is for Dumbo Octopus: Dagmar, Daisy, Damali, Daniel, Darin, Darius, Darla, David, Dawn, Deanna, Deb, Delaney, Deloris, Dénes, Deserée, Destiny, Devin, Dewayne, Diane, Dilan, Dino, Dmitriy, Dolly, Donald, Donna, Doug
E Is for Echidna: Eartha, Eben, Ed, Elaine, Eleanor, Electra, Eli, Elijah, Elise, Elizabeth, Ella, Eloise, Elolo, Emilia, Emily, Emma, Erika, Erin, Ernest, Esperanza, Ethan, Eugénie, Evan, Everly, Evlyn, Ezra
F Is for Fennec Fox: Fang, Farideh, Fatimah, Fauna, Faust, Faye, Felicity, Felipe, Felix, Fern, Filomena, Fiona, Flora, Floriane, Flynn, Forrest, Fortunata, Frances, Francis, Françoise, Fred, Freda, Freya, Fuchsia, Fumi, Funmilola
G Is for Grasshopper: Gabby, Gabriel, Gaëtan, Gary, Gayle, Gala, Geneviève, George, Ghazal, Gigi, Ginger, Ginnie, Gladstar, Glenn, Glynnis, Grace, Gopinaath, Gosia, Gramma, Granmo, Greta, Gretchen, Greyson, Guillaume, Guy, Gwen
H Is for Havanese Dog: Ha Yoon, Hadrian, Hannah, Harper, Harriet, Haruki, Haley, Happy, Hasan, Hattie, Haven, Hazel, Heather, Heidi, Helen, Hess, Henry, Herb, Hieronymus, Hilary, Holly, Homer, Hope, Horatio, Hugo, Hulya
I Is for Indri: Ian, Ibrahim, Ida, Idris, Ifanyi, Ignacio, Ilinca, Imogen, Inara, Indigo, Inez, Indira, Indu, Inigo, Inga, Ingrid, Inna, Irena, Iris, Isaac, Isabel, Isaiah, Ishani, Isla, Ivy, Izola
J Is for Jellyfish: J’Shyne, Jacob, Jack, Jackson, Jade, James, Jamilah, Janice, Jason, Jasper, Jayden, Jeanine, Jeff, Jenny, Jeremy, Jio, Joe, Joey, Joi, Josh, Joumana, Juanita, Julia, Julie, Juniper, Justine
K Is for Kodkod: Kaity, Kamala, Kamau, Karina, Karrie, Kashana, Kate, Kathleen, Kaylee, K.C., Keiko, Kelly, Ken, Kendra, Kenji, Kennedy, Kiese, King, Kirk, Kollodi, Kris, Krissie, Kristan, Kristine, Kymba, Kyra
L Is for Lobster: Lacey, Laquan, LauraJo, Lauren, Lawrence, Layla, Leigh, Leo, Leroy, Levi, Liam, Liberty, Lillian, Lily, Lindsay, Lisa, Lisette, Logan, Lorraine, Lucas, Lucille, Lucinda, Lulu, Luna, Lupita, Lyra
M Is for Moose: Madeline, Madison, Marcel, Marie, Mariko, Marin, Mark-Pierre, Martin, Mary, Mason, Matthew, Maya, Meghan, Melissa, Mia, Micah, Michael, Miigwans, Mila, Mira, Molly, Mookie, Monique, Montgomery, Muhammad, Murray
N Is for Nedoceratops: Nadav, Nadja, Namita, Nana, Nancy, Nandi, Nanette, Naomi, Narmada, Nasim, Nastassia, Natasha, Nathan, Nekhbet, Neleisha, Nelly, Nencioli, Nessa, Nica, Nick, Nicolette, Nietzsche, Nita, Noah, Nora, Nova
O Is for Okapi: Obama, Oberon, Ocean, Octavius, Odin, Odysseus, Ofir, Okay, Olga, Olivia, Olynda, Ophelia, Omar, Omon, Oneonta, Onofrio, Orion, Orlando, Oronike, Oscar, Oso, Oswald, Otto, Owen, Oxiris, Oz
P Is for Puffin: Padma, Paisley, Paloma, Pamela, Parker, Pascal, Pat, Patern, Patricia, Paul, Paula, Penelope, Peter, Pearl, Peggy, Philando, Philomena, Phineas, Phoebe, Ping, Priscilla, Pramela, Prax, Prosper, Pryska, Puneet
Q Is for Quokka: Q, Qadim, Qarim, Qasim, Quaashie, Quamaine, Quamora, Quanah, Quanda, Queeny, Quentin, Questa, Quetzalli, Quiana, Quianru, Quibilah, Quigley, Quilene, Quimby, Quincy, Quinn, Quintavius, Quique, Quirijn, Quirino, Quondra
R Is for Raccoon: Rachele, Rahid, Rami, Ramona, Rapunzel, Ray, Reagan, Rein, Reginald, Renate, Remington, Rémy, Richard, Riley, Robert, Robin, Roger, Roman, Ron, Roopa, Rory, Rosemary, Rouzic, Roy, Ruby, Ryan
S Is for Sandpiper: Sacha, Saleem, Sam, Samimi, Sanchioni, Sara, Sasha, Scarlett, Sebastien, Shannon, Sharmila, Sharon, Shayla, Shimoda, Siena, Sita, Sky, Sofia, Stacey, Stanley, Stella, Stephanie, Sol, Susan, Susannah, Suzanne
T Is for Tarantula: Tahnya, Tamara, Taous, Tarana, Taryn, Tasha, Tayva, Ted, Teela, Teja, Tenya, Tess, Texas, Theresa, Thinh, Tiffany, Timothée, T.J., Tom, Tonisha, Tony, Torch, Trevor, Trey, Tristan, Tyler
U Is for Unicorn: Udele, Udo, Uduak, Udumelue, Ugo, Ujarak, Ulisha, Ulrich, Ulwazi, Ulysses, Uma, Umberto, Umeko, Umesh, Una, Unice, Unique, Unity, Upasana, Upton, Uriel, Urpi, Ursula, Usha, Utu, Uzoma
V Is for Vulture: Valentino, Valerie, Vali, Vanessa, Vasco, Vashti, Vee, Veda, Vega, Vemvane, Venus, Vera, Veronica, Vertamae, Victoria, Vida, Vilma, Violet, Vincelle, Vincent, Vipin, Virgil, Virginia, Vishnu, Vivian, Vladimir
W Is for Wallaby: Wade, Walker, Walter, Wanda, Wandile, Ward, Warren, Watson, Wayne, Wendall, Wendy, Wenzdae, Weshoyot, Wesley, Whitney, Willa, William, Willie-Millie, Willow, Winifred, Winston, Winter, Wojciech, Wolfgang, Wren, Wyatt
X Is for Xylophrog: Xabi, Xander, Xandra, Xanthippe, Xanthos, Xanti, Xavier, Xena, Xenia, Xenon, Xerxes, Xhafer, Xia, Xiang, Xihlamariso, Ximena, Xing, Xiomara, Xiulan, Xochitl, Xochipilli, Xoel, Xoese, Xola, Xolani, Xylon
Y Is for Yabby: Yadira, Yago, Yana, Yanet, Yann, Yao, Yara, Yarrow, Yaxkin, Yazmany, Yedidah, Yéred, Yessenia, Yibanathi, Yinka, Yoana, Yolanda, Youngman, Youssef, Yseult, Yukichi, Yun, Yunuen, Yuteki, Yvette, Yvon
Z Is for Zorilla: Za, Zack, Zafar, Zahara, Zahid, Zaira, Zan, Zane, Zanele, Zara, Zawar, Zayda, Zayn, Zazou, Zee, Zelda, Zheegwon, Zheng, Ziggy, Zinnia, Zoey, Zoraida, Zorba, Zowie, Zulsiramar, Zugunruhe
If you’re disappointed that your name isn’t included, I understand. My name is uncommon. It used to bum me out that it never appeared on key chains and tiny license plates and other mass-produced tchotchkes, but, in the end, my “weird” name helped me to be a better person.
Plus, the names in the book are about so much more than seeing yourself in the pages. They help promote letter recognition as well as artistic literacy, and they’re inspired by a desire to teach your little reader that they are a part of a huge human family!

A bunch of the original artworks from the book that aren’t already sold are currently on display at Wildflowers Too on Long Beach Island, and there’s a virtual reception for the show on Tuesday, live on Facebook.
Open: through August 9th
Hours: Wednesday to Sunday from 11a to 4p
Virtual Reception: Tuesday July 14th at 4p (New York time) on Facebook
Wildflowers Too
506 Broadway
Barnegat Light, NJ 08006
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