Artwork / Baby Sees ABCs / B Is for Bunny Rabbit

purple and brown bunny rabbit, colorful wildlife art
Gwenn Seemel
B Is for Bunny Rabbit
acrylic on panel
14 x 14 inches

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The first names embedded in B Is for Bunny Rabbit are Baden, Barbara, Becca, Beckett, Bella, Ben, Bentrice, Bertram, Beth, Bharti, Blanca, Blaze, Blue, Bodhi, Bong-Cha, Botham, Breizh, Brett, Bridget, Bridgette, Brie, Brittney, Brooke, Bruce, Bryan, and Buffy.

The word “bunny” used to be a pet name for a squirrel, but somehow evolved into the cute version of “rabbit.” Incidentally, except that rabbits weren’t always called by that name. Back when the adults of the species were called “coney,” a “rabbit” was the baby animal. In other words, our naming relationship with bunnies over the years has been all about giving them pet names again and again!

You can see the making of B Is for Bunny Rabbit.

brightly colored rabbit painted by Gwenn Seemel
detail image