Artwork / 2024
This year, I made the portraits, paintings, and drawings shown above while also engaging in some artistic civil disobedience and finishing Everything’s Fine, my project about mental health! Everything’s Fine began in 2021 as twice weekly paint-and-chat livestreams and, in its final form, includes both a coloring book and a high school art lesson plan which are inspired by the paintings.

This is the coloring book version of the Everything’s Fine paintings. It includes nineteen dreamlike coloring pages and the questions for reflection to go with them, and it’s meant to help you embrace your complexity with creativity and kindness.
Everything’s Fine is available for $19. This price does not include shipping or tax, which will be calculated by Lulu, the service that prints and ships the book. You can download a PDF version for $5.

In this lesson, students will create images along the lines of the Everything’s Fine paintings, communicating who they are and how they feel about the world through surreal self-portraiture.
Take a quick look at the lesson plan here or download the PDF, and be sure to tell all the high school art teachers you know!

What’s more, in 2024, my art is part of the Jersey Collective’s Sticker Club, a lovely initiative by Kerri Sullivan (pictured above) that promotes the art of New Jersey artists via a traveling coin-operated machine. My sticker is this nutty little squirrel, which was originally an illustration for a book about questioning copyright that you can download for free.