Shop / Books / Everything’s Fine

surreal coloring book and mental health workbook for teens by genderqueer artist Gwenn Seemel, published in 2024

Everything’s Fine contains nineteen dreamlike coloring pages and the questions for reflection to go with them.

It’s based on a series of paintings by the same name, and you can get an idea of the sorts of questions that appear in the book by looking through the online gallery of paintings.

Everything’s Fine is designed to help teens and adults embrace their complexity with creativity and kindness. Though none of the images are especially scary, they do address anxiety and other complicated emotions. Please keep that in mind when deciding whether or not to offer this book to kids under the age of thirteen.

The book is available for $19. This price does not include shipping or tax, which will be calculated by Lulu, the service that prints and ships the book. You can also download a PDF version for $5.

$5 $19