Artwork / Archives / Lifesavers Fan Art / Who Are These Heroes to Show You the Way?

mixed media PJ Masks fan art of Gekko, Catboy, and Owlette wearing face coverings because of the pandemic
Gwenn Seemel
Who Are These Heroes to Show You the Way?
acrylic, colored pencil, and marker on paper
8 x 8 inches

As I did my research for this image, I was excited to learn that PJ Masks is a bilingual production that seemes to be conceived of simultaneously in both French and English. I’d love to work that way too, but my English dominates. I tend to think in that language, meaning that I generally create in it too. That said, I’m always aware that I will be translating that creativity into French and that shapes what I end up making. Of course, sometimes my bilingualism is a big part of my creativity.

You can see the making of Who Are These Heroes to Show You the Way?