Artwork / Archives / Apple Pie / The Next President (African American, Chandra)

an African American woman as the President of the United States
Gwenn Seemel
The Next President (African American, Chandra)
acrylic on denim
34 x 31 inches

When I painted this portrait of Chandra, the next President was actually Barack Obama, but this painting was more a commentary on the status of black women in America than a prediction for the election’s outcome. Ten years later, I painted the 45th President of the United States, a greedy and spiteful individual who made things more difficult for black women and for marginalized populations in general. Here he is represented as a Tiki torch and here he is shown as a Hello Kitty kind of persona.

Below is the subject’s answer to this question: what does it mean to be an American?

I never think about what it means to be an American. That term does not fit me; it is too small, too limiting. To do so would require me to divide myself into pieces-categories.

My name means “Moon Shining Bright...”

You see, as an American I am considered a minority but as the moon I am bright, a heavenly body—full, complete, and endowed with a godly light and subtle power, limited by no one, controlled by no one—shining.

- Chandra

an African American woman as the President of the United States
detail image