Blog / 2020 / #LifesaversFanArt: Wear a Mask, You Must

September 6, 2020

Please join in this effort to make wearing a mask cool! Share this fan art, make some of your own, and tag it all #LifesaversFanArt so we can bring these inspiring works together.

The original Yoda painting is for sale for $150 plus shipping—see all currently available artworks. I can’t make prints of Wear a Mask, You Must available through my print-on-demand shop because Redbubble is a good little lap dog to licensing companies, but, as soon as more of the series is done, I’ll make a set of Lifesavers Fan Art postcards available through my mailing lists: sometimes, all the time, or Patreon.

Patreon Palooza showcasing the work of Donna Downey, Mindy Lacefield, Kae Pea, Elizabeth St. Hilaire, and Gwenn Seemel

Today is the first day of Patreon Palooza, the six-day online event showcasing the work of Donna Downey, Mindy Lacefield, Kae Pea, and Elizabeth St. Hilaire as well as my own. Tomorrow I’ll be posting another Lifesavers Fan Art piece as well as the first of four interviews with my fellow Patreon Palooza artists!

mixed media Star Wars fan art of Yoda wearing a face covering because of the pandemic
Gwenn Seemel
Wear a Mask, You Must
acrylic, colored pencil, and marker on paper
8 x 8 inches

Maybe this post made you think of something you want to share with me? Or perhaps you have a question about my art? I’d love to hear from you!


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