photos by Newsweek and Gwenn Seemel
- 12/23 Celebrating a Decade
- 12/16 Shout-out to the Kids with “Weird” Names
- 12/09 “Put Your Art Out on the Sidewalk to Sell It.”
- 12/02 Report from the Social Media Afterlife
- 11/29 Looking Closely at Art
- 11/25 Literacy = Love
- 11/18 My Alphabet Starts with U
- 11/14 Free Frida: The Case of Nina Shope and Frida Kahlo Corporation
- 11/11 A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words
- 11/07 My Understory
- 10/30 Translated into Italian
- 10/28 Consumers ≠ My Audience
- 10/21 A-B-C 1-2-3: The First Steps in My New Body of Work
- 10/17 Making Art Whole
- 10/14 The Gentle Client
- 10/10 End Times Ideation and Our Collective Potential
- 10/07 The Calm before the Creative Storm
- 09/30 Goodbye Social Media (For a While Anyway)
- 09/23 What I Learned Running a Kickstarter Campaign
- 09/18 The Not-So-Lonely Artist
- 09/16 Making Portrait Drawing a Little Easier
- 09/09 Sticker Collector Club: The Coccyx
- 09/07 Ethical Consumers and Independent Artists
- 09/05 You Are (Not) the Center of the Universe.
- 09/03 The Inspiration Behind My Animal Alphabet Book Collaboration
- 09/02 What Pleases Me about Figurative Art
- 08/31 On Being a Childfree Artist Who Is Making Art for Children
- 08/28 Why I Need $9000 to Create an Animal Alphabet Book
- 08/26 When You Are Already Bright
- 08/25 A Good Deal on Originals
- 08/22 Animal ABC Book Collaboration: Embedding First Names in Art
- 08/20 Precious
- 08/19 The Kickstarter for Our Animal Alphabet Book Collaboration!
- 08/14 Sticker Collector Club: Fairy Hands!
- 08/12 Please Stop Apologizing for Your Art
- 07/29 A New Kind of Series
- 07/25 I Have Beheld the Promised Land for Artists, and It Is Not the United States of America.
- 07/22 How Art Lovers Can Help Fix Art World Inequalities
- 07/17 A Small But Meaningful Gesture
- 07/14 Painting a Black Person’s Portrait Versus Painting a White Person’s
- 07/11 You Repeat Others More Than You Think, So Please Repeat Thoughtfully.
- 07/10 Join My New Sticker Collector Club!
- 07/08 Working from Photos to Paint Portraits
- 07/01 The 2 Kinds of Art Patron
- 06/26 Why Artists Rip Each Other Off (And How We Can Stop Them)
- 06/24 How to Take Care of an Acrylic Painting
- 06/17 Smearing Pigments
- 06/12 Tips for Painting Portraits from Other People’s Photos
- 06/10 Wedding Portrait!
- 06/07 Name That Copyright Violation: Celebrity Portraiture Edition
- 06/04 Responding to an Imitation of Your Art: Amy Constantineau and the Case of the Double Llama
- 06/01 Let’s Play “Name That Copyright Violation”
- 05/31 It’s Working
- 05/27 #FixRedbubble
- 05/20 2 Methods for Dealing with People Who Rip Off Your Artwork: “Threaten and Tell” Versus “Kiss and Tell”
- 05/16 My Non-artist Résumé
- 05/15 Dear Redbubble: You Do Not Understand Copyright.
- 05/13 Why Do You Make Art?
- 05/06 Job with Justice Travel Log, Part 5
- 05/01 Why Artists Should Be Paid Every Time They Exhibit
- 04/29 Civic Sharing (And a Livestream about the Behind-the-scenes of My Art Appearing in Newsweek)
- 04/28 Job with Justice Travel Log, Part 4
- 04/24 The Window Character in a Series of Paintings
- 04/21 3 Good Things
- 04/18 How Many Childfree People Do You Know?
- 04/16 On Being an Art-making Grownup in a Child’s Life
- 04/15 Rabbitosaurus Regina
- 04/13 The Hello Kitty President Is Back on Display.
- 04/09 April Openings!
- 04/08 Job with Justice Travel Log, Part 3
- 04/02 What I Have In Common with the People Who Hate My Art
- 04/01 Special Sale: Queen of the Sky (Bald Eagle)
- 03/28 Job with Justice Travel Log, Part 2
- 03/25 Auction: Sensitive (Jerboa)
- 03/20 Job with Justice Travel Log, Part 1
- 03/18 Pay What You Will: Queer Queen
- 03/15 3 April Shows!
- 03/14 Dear Copyright: I Still Hate You.
- 03/11 Us Too
- 03/06 A Job with Justice
- 03/04 Magic IRL
- 02/24 Appreciating the Villains in Your Life
- 02/18 How to Turn One Dollar into a Bajillion Dollars
- 02/13 The Relationship between Choice, Freedom, and Privacy
- 02/11 Solastalgia
- 02/07 Why Artists Should Accept Charity
- 02/04 A Different Perspective
- 01/29 Perfect Portrait Subject: Sylvia
- 01/23 Perfect Portrait Subject: Caitlin
- 01/20 Perfect Portrait Subject: Katie
- 01/16 Precious Portraits
- 01/14 Unraveling
- 01/10 Pop-up Paywalls Versus Donation Doors
- 01/08 How to Overcome the Idiocy of Algorithms
- 01/03 Peeling Back the Layers
- 01/01 An Inscrutable, Intense, Infectious Joy