Artwork / Crime Against Nature / Save the Salmon, All Three Cenders (Coho Salmon)

all three Coho salmon genders, painting by wildlife artist Gwenn Seemel
Gwenn Seemel
Save the Salmon, All Three Cenders (Coho Salmon)
acrylic on panel
10 x 10 inches


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Some species can’t be described in terms of “girls” and “boys.”

Some male Coho salmon return to the rivers from the ocean to spawn after just two years. These males are called jacks and, though they are smaller than the males or the females who return after three years, they are mature males whose offspring can be any of the three genders of Coho salmon.

Even mammals can come in three genders.

See all the images and text by downloading or purchasing Crime Against Nature, the book.

fish painting by Pacific Northwest artist Gwenn Seemel
detail image