Artwork / Crime Against Nature / Prince Charming (Hip-pocket Frog)

painting of a pouched frog dad with babies by intersectional feminist artist Gwenn Seemel
Gwenn Seemel
Prince Charming (Hip-pocket Frog)
acrylic on panel
10 x 10 inches


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Some boys carry babies.

Among hip-pocket frogs, the young spend eleven days in eggs, which the female has laid on the forest floor. The male watches over the eggs and is present when the tadpoles hatch so that the young can crawl up his legs into special pockets in his flanks. Six weeks later, the young leave the male’s pockets fully formed.

And sometimes boys are more interested in taking care of children than girls.

See all the images and text by downloading or purchasing Crime Against Nature, the book.

wildlife painting by American illustrator Gwenn Seemel
detail image