Artwork / Archives / 2017 / The Light of the Right (Donald Trump as a Tiki Torch)

Trump as a Tiki torch, a reference to his support of the white supremacists in Charlottesville, Virginia in 2017
Gwenn Seemel
The Light of the Right (Donald Trump as a Tiki Torch)
acrylic on canvas
24 x 18 inches


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This painting is the result of years of watching Donald Trump championing white supremacy, misogyny, and hatred generally, and it’s also a direct response to the death and destruction in Charlottesville, Virginia in August 2017. In a strange bit of poetry, I feel like The Light of the Right is why my Statue of Liberty portrait from 2008 wasn’t carrying a torch.

For more about the making of The Light of the Right, check out this video. This painting appears on the cover of a book by Larry Jacobs published by Oxford University Press.